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Cumbria Connect Launches Pioneering Nature-Friendly Farming Apprenticeship Scheme
August 2023
Cumbria Connect Launches Pioneering Nature-Friendly Farming Apprenticeship Scheme
We’re thrilled to announce a groundbreaking step forward for conservation and farming in the UK with the launch of Cumbria Connect’s Nature-Friendly Farming Apprenticeship Scheme. This isn’t just an apprenticeship – it’s a forward-thinking initiative designed to equip the next generation with the skills and knowledge to champion nature restoration and sustainable land management.
This new scheme offers a unique opportunity for young people to immerse themselves in a career that bridges the gap between farming and conservation.
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A New Pathway for Land Management Careers
As we face increasing environmental challenges, the importance of harmonising farming practices with the needs of nature has never been more pressing. This pioneering apprenticeship scheme is set to address this challenge head-on, nurturing a new generation of land managers who will lead the way in nature recovery across the UK. By blending agricultural and conservation expertise, Cumbria Connect is paving the way for a sustainable future for our landscapes and communities.
This programme offers a rare opportunity to be at the forefront of nature recovery, right here in Cumbria. It’s about training a new generation of land managers who aren’t just farming for today, but stewarding the landscapes of tomorrow.
A Hands-On Learning Experience
We’re offering six highly sought-after spots on this apprenticeship, where participants will dive deep into the heart of Cumbria’s landscapes. They’ll be employed by Cumbria Connect and will work towards an industry-recognised qualification, but more than that, they’ll be getting their hands dirty, working across some of the most stunning sites in the region. Working at three farms the wild beauty of the RSPB’s Wild Haweswater, Lowther Estate and Low Beckside Farm, working alongside the Ernest Cook Trust, the apprentices will learn the ropes of sustainable land management where it matters most—on the ground.
This isn’t just about studying nature; it’s about living it. Apprentices will gain essential skills in nature-friendly farming, habitat creation and landscape restoration. They’ll also learn the nitty-gritty of farm life, from managing livestock to operating tractors and all-terrain vehicles. This is a comprehensive, hands-on education in how to farm with nature.
Building a Sustainable Future
This apprenticeship scheme is a cornerstone of Cumbria Connect’s mission to create one of England’s largest nature-focused landscape programmes.
Funded by the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme, Cumbria Connect is an ambitious collaboration of landowners, farmers, conservations and land managers including the RSPB, Lowther Estate, United Utilities, Orton Fells Farm Cluster and Natural England. Together, we’re not just talking about restoring landscapes—we’re doing it, ensuring that these areas can support both wildlife and communities long into the future.
This apprenticeship is a game-changer. It’s about equipping young people with the skills they need to make a real difference in the world of nature recovery. By bringing together farming and conservation, we’re paving the way for a sustainable future—one where our landscapes are rich in wildlife and resilient to the challenges ahead.
Bill Kenmir, Conservation Manager at Cumbria Connect
What did those involved say?
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– Full Name, Position and Company Name“
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Join Us
This is more than just an apprenticeship—it’s a call to action.
If you’re passionate about nature, if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and be part of something bigger, then this is your chance. We’re looking for the next generation of conservationists and land managers, people who are ready to step up and help shape the future of our landscapes.
For more details on how to apply to be in the next co-hort of the Nature-Friendly Farming Apprenticeship Scheme, please visit the OpportunitiesWho we are page of our website or contact our team directly.
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